Commercial EICR in Bristol and the Southwest
EICR stands for “Electrical Installation Condition Report”
Whether you’re running a shop, a restaurant, a warehouse, production line or laboratory, all businesses and charities in the UK are subject to the the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and Electricity and Work Regulations (1989). Under these rules you must have an EICR conducted every five years.
Similar to a residential EICR, a Commercial EICR involves electrical testing and visual inspection of the electrical installation. This is a brief electrical check to make sure it is safe to use for a businesses’ staff, customers, owners, and the general public.
When do I need an EICR?
We generally perform Commercial EICRs under three circumstances:
How long does an EICR take?
Commercial electrical installations are often larger and more complex than domestic installations. For this reason the length of time it takes to conduct electrical testing on the commercial installation depends upon the size of that installation.
How much does an EICR Cost?
Because commercial installations vary considerably, it’s difficult to give a fixed cost for a commercial EICR. A good rule of thumb is the greater the number of circuits, the more expensive an EICR will become, although there are other considerations to bear in mind. In order to quote for the EICR we may need to make a site visit, or request pictures of all the distribution boards.
What does my Commercial EICR mean?
Commercial EICRs use the same terminology and coding as domestic EICRs. You can read about this on our Electrical Installation Condition Report pafge.
What happens next?
If the report is unsatisfactory we will provide a remedial quote for the works necessary to pass the installation as safe. Once these works have been performed we will issue an installation certificate or a minor works certificate for the remedial works. These certificates should be appended to your EICR report as proof that the issues identified in the report have been rectified.